Richard, you're on News 96:5. Go ahead. Oh yeah, I'm going through a nasty breakup and the problem is we currently live together. The I bought the house last year, but her grandmother co-signed for me because I didn't have enough credit on my own to get it. What do I need to do if I want to ask her to leave? As to possession of the home, the key is who is on the title, not who is on the mortgage. So, in fact, Richard, if you are the sole person on that title, you have a right to ask your girlfriend to go. Is that what you're asking me? Yes, okay. So, there is no self-help here, Richard. You can't change the locks or put her stuff out on the curb. But there is a legal process for you, and it would start by talking to Rob Solomon in our office. And he will tell you there's a, you know, there's a lot of times, well, first of all, if you have a normal landlord-tenant relationship and somebody's not paying rent, it's easy. But when you want to kick out your girlfriend or your deadbeat son, there's a process similar to eviction but a little bit different. Rob knows how to do that for you, Richard. Richard, Rob is at my office right now at 4:07 for two three five five six one. Now Chrissy, while we're on it, while we're on that point, Rob has a landlord workshop coming up. And that is Tuesday, May 10th at our office at 9:45 a.m., yes. And we would love to have any landlords who have not attended this workshop before or someone that you know that is a landlord. It is absolutely well worth your time to attend attorney...
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How to evict a boyfriend in florida Form: What You Should Know
To remove a Friend from your Home, you must make an Emergency Notice. To remove a Family member or friend from your Home, you must fill in the Notice of Eviction. The reason why the court must find reason for a removal of a family member or friend from your home in Florida is, you, may not get to choose your friend. In most cases, all family members, or friends from the ex's family that live in Florida are considered as family They could be removed from the property through this court process. A friend that is not with the family, but is still living in Florida is not the same as a friend that lived with the family for a long time and has the same right as any other tenant, to return the property. The court process for removing a family member in Florida starts with a Temporary Visitation order, the court order that allows the person that was served with the Notice of Eviction to enter the property. You can get other court orders like for a property search. How To Arrange an Alternative To have the ex leave your property, you will need to arrange for them to give you a notice of the hearing so that you know how to fight the eviction. Then, you can make a Notice of Entry that outlines your plan to gain access to the property and the property that the ex is trying to get them removed from. If they don't agree with any of your plan, you will need to show up to the court to continue the hearing. In an Eviction case, you need to know your rights before you sign anything. Even if everything is on your part, you will still need a hearing or a lawsuit. You will need to fight the eviction before taking your case to court. Even if you can't afford a lawyer, you can have a friend or a friend of the house of a friend come to your house to represent you and give you information. This is called a How to Fight the Eviction in Florida? Your goal is to prove to your judge that you do not have the right to live here anymore. To prove that if the landlord is evicting you, you are not the reason for it. You would use evidence such as what evidence they have shown in the hearing, evidence you have taken that could be used to establish that you have not agreed to the eviction.
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