I've passed a 10 panel drug test 6 hours after smoking.First off, I'll start by saying the baking soda and water really does work, but it will kill you. I had a terrible time not vomiting while I was sitting on the toilet with shit streaming out of my ass. So, that was out of the question because I thought I was going to die already. So, you need some albolene which is makeup remover, and you need to smear it over your entire body. You need to drink at least a quart of water every 30 minutes or so, just so you can pee a lot because you're going to be pissing a lot! Especially with how much you do. You're going to be so dehydrated, and I mean you're going to feel like barfing anyway if you've been doing the baking soda and water (for the previous days your color got called for a random). Anyhow, then you spread that all over your body, the Albolene. It's a make up remover from the 80u2032s. Bodybuilders used it before competitions . You go to a gym that has a sauna. You get your heart rate up, and you then take yourself and sit in the sauna for as long as you can. 2 hours+ What Albolene does is, it makes like a sweat suit on you, then you sweat out all of the toxins out of your body, and plus the gallon of water (and drinking cranberry juice) is, I think, detoxifing your organs and what not. So, also what I did was, I took some vitamin B and I drank a 5-Hour Energy brand energy shot thing, and I worked out on an elliptical after I sweat for about 2 hours in the sauna, and trust me, I was light-headed. Then I drank large amounts of water, again, (I could only choke down a 44 oz) and I went back to the to the sauna, wanting to die and stifling my crying while I felt like everyone was watching me in Gold's Gym (cause I looked like a straight up Zombie), and then I sat in the steam room. I thought that would probably, I don't know, plump up my skin? That was just my mental thought process. I kept drinking water (the best to rehydrate is pedialyte) I took vitamins. I took prenatal vitamins, 1 in the morning, and 1 half an hour before my UA, and I also drank a soy protein gross ass smoothie. The mix that you would drink foru2025 if you were working out. NO! Not Creatine, but Soy Protein Powder I bought at Walmart. Soy is natural protein and the body absorbs it better. This was 90 min before my UA. The vitamin B is what's going to make your pee yellow and then the protein is what's going to give it that protein count that they test for to make sure it's legit. Also, I believe I did try and eat some actual food, like waffles or pancakes. I went and I peed, u201cactingu201d normal, and I was scared shitless, and I was shaking uncontrollably with bad nerves, and the attendant that was watching me clearly had her suspicions, but I passed. I completed them damn drug tests with my freedom, but imprisoned myself inside my mind so harshly. I failed myself miserably, and not one day goes u201cbyeu201d u270cwithout knowing how different my life can be, if I would put my addiction away.